Cast of Characters

Cast of characters in the Celestial Nutrifoods Saga as of January 2012.

Ming Dequan (明德泉). Celestial Nutrifoods Executive Chairman. Multimillionaire living a high life in China and Europe. In 2007, he began producing music using Celestial's funds. In 2008, he produced a movie called A Tale of Two Donkeys (走着瞧) using Celestial's funds. In 2009, he built the Daqing Manhaway Hotel (大庆曼哈维大酒店) using Celestial's funds. In 2010, he misappropiated Celestial's Chinese subsidiaries. In 2011, using Celestial's funds, he produced a concert in Vienna to promote songs published by his music producing company, Beijing Tianyuanxinyu International Media Co., Ltd. (北京天寰新宇国际传媒有限公司), which was established using Celestial Nutrifoods' funds.

Loo Choon Chiaw. Independent director. Resigned on August 10th, 2011. Managed to delay for one year the liquidation of the Company. Left the promotion committe at the Singapore Academy of Law on 2011. Friend of Quentin Loh.

Lai Seng Kwoon. Independent director. Resigned on August 10th, 2011. In 2009, he received a payment of 130,000 Singapore dollars for services rendered to Celestial Nutrifoods.

Quentin Loh. Judge since December 24th, 2010. Head of the promotion committee at the Singapore Academy of Law. Friend of Loo Choon Chiaw. One month before presiding Celestial Nutrifoods' bankruptcy, in a related case of blatant corruption, Loh sent author Alan Shadrake to jail for writing a book critical of Singapore's justice system.

Lai Siu Chiu. Judge since December 2nd, 2011. Took over from Quentin Loh.

Yit Chee Wah. Liquidator. Investigating the affairs of the Company since 2010. In 2007, he was temporarily suspended as a public accountant by ACRA because of a failure of his practice review. Currently, he simultaneously works for three different companies: FTI Consulting, 2MS Consultancy and McMillan Woods.


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